Prima Group | The Big Door Knock

After the COVID pandemic, several heart-breaking stories in the media and the ongoing cost of living crisis, it was clear to us at Prima Group that we needed to change how we engaged with residents. In March 2023, Prima Group started the Big Door Knock.

The Big Door Knock is about getting behind every door and speaking to our customers face-to-face. We want to find out how they are doing and if there is any support they need. The emphasis is on really listening to residents. It is also an opportunity for us to make sure our resident data is accurate and up to date and to inspect the quality of the property for outstanding repairs or any dampness or mould.

The Big Door Knock is also about culture change within Prima Group, so we have adopted a ‘one-team ’approach involving staff from every department across the organisation. We wanted as many staff as possible to understand the people they’re working for. The project was trialled first in March and adapted following feedback from resident groups.

We send postcards to each home to let them know when we will visit. Door knockers are fully prepared and equipped with a tablet to complete a carefully worded survey with each customer. Behind the scenes, staff are processing actions identified by the surveys.

A new budget has been set up for this project so repairs can be addressed immediately. We have also set up a budget for any additional support that may be required.

We have established partnerships with local community groups and services, including a food pantry that many residents were unaware of. During each visit, residents receive a detailed booklet sharing available support locally.


The technical side of the project had to support our goals. Our IT Team helped with the form and the processes. We also had to adapt to accommodate the impact on staff resources and business continuity. Speaking with residents in their homes is sometimes difficult, so we created online surveys and mop-up days.


Feedback from customers has been positive. They appreciated us coming to them. From a data point of view, we have improved what we know about residents, especially around health issues and vulnerabilities that had not been disclosed to us previously. This has helped us to target those families with more support, including minor adaptations in homes.

We are also pleased with how many residents want to be involved with Prima Group. 19% of our residents expressed an interest in being involved with our customer voice board, scrutiny panels, street reps, and resident groups, which boosts customer involvement within Prima.

We have so far also identified 21% of the homes we visited had damp/mould issues. The majority of cases were minor, and the majority of these cases had not previously been reported to us. We were able to assess and treat these issues quickly and monitor these properties moving forward. It has been a great help for us to get into these homes and proactively deal with dampness or mould at an early stage.

The biggest impact has been on residents and the families we spoke to who were struggling. 43% of the residents we spoke to were struggling financially to pay bills and buy food. We were able to help with food, electric and gas vouchers and link them up with ongoing internal and external support. Again, most of these families had not contacted Prima Group for help, and knowing more about our residents and their lives enables us to better support them.

The Big Door Knock revealed just how great the challenge is for us to reach residents who wouldn’t normally contact us. We’re now hoping a review of our operating model will ensure greater visibility and presence in our communities.

Lessons Learnt

There has to be a commitment from the top for a project like this to succeed. Establishing a one-team approach was invaluable, with regular communication and feedback. Planning enough time for the project to be effective and for us to get behind every door was also key - as was early and regular communications with residents. It’s necessary to make sure the approach is resident-focused and to ensure that follow-up actions are completed.